March 23, 2020
The Next Language 17 — Alaska Letter
Most of you Alaskans already know that I promised the Lord, “With Your grace and strength I will give everything that I have and all that You give me to reach every language on earth with the story of Jesus.”
Last fall as I closed down the cattle business, sold all the rolling stock on the farm, leased out the hay ground and set out to direct Global Recordings Network – USA, I was encouraged that no less than four churches and or groups of believers commissioned me to this task. It is now time that I report back on what God is doing.
With the unanimous support of the Board of Directors we are in the final stages of selling the headquarters property in Temecula, California. We are moving to Arizona where for a fraction of overhead cost we can get on with the business of reaching 3,000 languages. We will be partnering with Mexico Summer Institute of Linguistics on their base in Tucson, AZ. We look forward to living in an environment where a new generation of recruits can live affordably. We will also be in an environment where Alaska snowbirds can spend the winter volunteering to support the mission.
As you may have read in my last post, I had the joy of returning to the Embena people in Colombia – spiritual grandchildren who were fruit of the first gospel messages on 78 RPM records I produced over fifty years ago. They invited me back to record the gospel in an adjacent language where they were beginning to witness. This we did and with the company of four young people who were interested in doing field recording. You can read more about this trip here and watch the video showing a little of what is involved in recording the story of Jesus in a language on the GRN International videos page here.
A couple of trips to Mexico have produced three or four young people who have committed to a minimum of five years to train and reach over 80 unreached languages in that country.
We are in process with at least three missions to train and assist their missionaries to find, translate, record, and distribute the story of Jesus in targeted unreached languages. We are no longer the only mission in this business! We have in place a memorandum of understanding with Bibles for Asia that will bring forward 12- 24 candidates for training in Vietnam later this year.
Thanks for your prayers and support. If you know young people who are gifted in language, or technology, or programming, or even bookkeeping, I can promise them some of the most fruitful years of their life if they will sign on. I know because I have been there, done that!
God Bless,
Larry DeVilbiss | Executive Director
Global Recordings Network USA
P. S. As a “thank you” for your continued support of the ministry of Global Recordings Network USA, and in celebration of over 80 years of God’s faithfulness, we have compiled a collection of 80 daily devotions written by GRN founder, Joy Ridderhof. You may read or download your copy of Rejoice Always – 80 Devotions with Joy Ridderhof here.