from December 2022 ALERT / From ALERT

Our USA Finance Team

Sometimes recordists who travel the world get more attention in publications such as this one. Their jobs seem more exciting, perhaps. It’s hard to tell gripping stories about bill payments and fund numbers. So we would like to bring our Financial Team into the limelight. These key workers have assignments crucial for the running of the entire organization. Applying the skills God has given them, they handle government regulations, multiple international transfers of money, tardy reporting from staff, and numerous technical glitches each month, in order to make the right thing happen. We honor these staff for their sacrificial living. You can find more about them here.

Joan Rulison has recently become our new Finance Director. Her background is in counselling and raising a family! But she is a brave soul, and with Shannon’s help, has taken on leadership of our financial office right now.

Originally from South Carolina, Joan is married to Dan, our Facilities Director. They have two married daughters and a grandchild born this year. They have a home in Flagstaff, a beautiful city you should consider visiting someday!

Shannon Carter is our newest staff member. She has several other jobs even while assisting both SIL/Wycliffe and GRN USA in our financial offices. We think she’s the smartest thing around because she can always solve our spreadsheet or device dilemmas.

Shannon comes from Tennessee originally, where her parents and married sister still reside. She is an extraordinary nature photographer, probably because she loves everything living, and has pet cats, exotic fish, laying chickens, and an unusual species we’ll leave her to tell you about if you contact her.

Ralph Loper has faithfully served this ministry as Finance Director for over 40 years. He and his wife Ruth have raised two boys to adulthood and were one of the first couples
to move here to Catalina at God’s direction. They excel at sharing GRN (often by passing out 5fish cards) with bank tellers, cashiers, and other service people they meet.

Ralph recently stepped aside from directing the Finance Department, but remains our Senior Financial Consultant.  And can he dole out the puns? Just get him going!



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