Blog 1 / Our High Calling

The Glorious End God Has In Mind

Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding
of the Lamb has come, and the bride has made herself ready
(Rev. 19:7 NIV).

As we pray for world evangelization and work towards its completion, we are helping to fulfill the glorious purpose God has had planned for mankind from the very beginning! This purpose becomes clear when we compare the start of this age with the end.

In the beginning, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were together in perfect union. Now fast forward to the end of the age! The Godhead is still together in perfect union but is now also in fellowship with a new member of the heavenly family—His Church, the Bride of Christ!

When the dust of this age settles, when every battle is over and Satan is finally vanquished, this present creation will burn up. But a spotless bride for the Son of God will remain. This bride, encompassing the redeemed from every tribe, language and nation, is the glorious end God had in mind from the start!

The age-long conflict between the kingdoms of light and darkness is all about our Lord rescuing His future bride from being held captive by the enemy who wants the nations and peoples for himself. But it was Christ alone who paid the bride price for us when He sought us with such longing and love.

The Church is not only the object of our Lord’s affection, but is also the channel He uses to draw people to Himself. This makes world evangelization not just an optional program for the Church but her highest priority, along with intercession, without which world evangelization would not happen.

What a wonderful destiny is ours – spending eternity in union and communion with our Lord. In 2 Tim. 2:12 we read that we will also reign with Him in the ages to come. So the glorious end that God planned is really just the beginning!


Colin Stott
GRN Global Prayer Coordinator